Become a Member What are your pronouns (if comfortable sharing)? What's your chosen name? * What's your stage name? * Type "NA" if irrelevant What's your instagram handle? * Type "NA" if irrelevant Email * Phone (###) ### #### I agree on HALA's mission: Liberation and reperations for all. * Yes No I agree on HALA's vision: Build equitable projects that amplify calls for liberation, and supports social justice activists and artists. We boycott from institutions attempting to cage collective liberation. We are transparent, compassionate, inclusive, and anti-racist. * Yes No I agree on being transparent, compassionate, inclusive, and anti-racist. * Yes No You agree on the Queers for Palestine liberty demand and will commit to upholding them as long as you are a HALA member. * We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their resistance to displacement, land theft, and ethnic cleansing and their struggle for the liberation of their lands and futures from Zionist settler-colonialism. This call cannot be answered only by sharing statements and signing letters but by an active engagement with decolonial and liberatory struggles in Palestine and around the globe. Our unequivocal demands are as follows: Reject Israeli funding, refuse collaborations with all Israeli institutions, and join the BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement. Strike: Silently or publicly, refuse that your exploited labor be used for the silencing of Palestine activism or the funding, support, and endorsement of military settler-colonization and genocide. Do what anti-colonial queers have done for decades: Reclaim the narrative, and set the terms of the conversation, this time about Palestine. What is happening in Palestine is Genocide. Israel is a Settler-Colony. Palestinians are a Militarily Occupied and Colonized Society. Under international law, Israel Does Not have the right to “defend” itself against the population it occupies, while Palestinians Have the right to Resist their occupation. Demanding a Cease-fire is the first step in holding Israel accountable for its crimes against humanity. We must also demand to break the siege on Gaza and the dismantlement of the Zionist settler-colony.Contact your local representatives to pressure them into defunding the genocide, ending their military, diplomatic, and political support with Israel. Speak up against the ongoing and complicit criminalization of solidarity with Palestine and the colonial and Islamophobic projection of European Antisemitism on Palestinian and racialized voices, as we are witnessing particularly in France, the U.K., the U.S., and Germany. Shut down main streets. Organize a sit-in in your local central station. Interrupt the flow of commerce. Complacency is a choice. Yes No Would you like to be visible as a collective member on our website and Instagram handle? * • Yes: Your picture will be displayed on and Please upload your picture below. • No: You will remain anonymous, but can still receive emails and be contacted for gigs without being visible on the website. Yes No Anything else you like to share with us? * Yes No Write a brief bio describing your contributions to the collective and how you’d like others to know you. * This information will be made public if you agree to be featured on our pages. Thank you! We are so excited you are interested in joining the HALA collective.